Sold Your Home Last Year or Plan to in 2023? If So, Here’s What You Need to Know
Posted Date March 1, 2023 Posted Time 12:00 pm Published in Service2ClientThe U.S. housing market has been extremely volatile over the past year. Year-over-year growth rates were at highs of 20.1 percent in April 2022, then declined to only 8.6 percent in November – the biggest drop in over 20 years. As a result, many homeowners who sold their homes in 2022 or plan to in 2023 may have either gains or losses depending on their location and timing. Below, we tackle the issues you need to know to properly account for the taxation of your home sale. Only Some Gains Are Taxable Not all gains on home sales are taxable,... View Article
How Secure 2.0 Will Impact Employers’ Tax Situations
Posted Date March 1, 2023 Posted Time 12:00 pm Published in Service2ClientThe Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act of 2022, otherwise known as SECURE 2.0, is a piece of legislation that focuses on how employers and their employees are able to save for retirement and how it impacts their bottom lines. Businesses with as many as 50 employees can receive a tax credit when they offer a defined contribution plan to employees. The start-up tax credit permits up to 100 percent of start-up costs ($5,000 annually) to offset administrative expenses to implement a start-up plan. However, for businesses with 51 to 100 employees, the first SECURE Act’s tax... View Article
Multigenerational College Planning with a Family Dynasty 529 Plan
Posted Date March 1, 2023 Posted Time 12:00 pm Published in Service2ClientThe College Savings 529 plan offers a way for modest-income families to save and invest for college expenses for their children as early as birth up to college age. When invested 529 funds are used to pay for the beneficiary’s qualifying education costs, earnings are distributed tax-free. However, a lesser-known advantage for wealthier families is that the 529 plan can be used as an effective tax-advantaged tool for funding college expenses for family members over multiple generations. Basically, the 529 enables the investment to continue growing tax-free for years and even decades after the death of the original owner and... View Article
7 Steps to Start a Business
Posted Date March 1, 2023 Posted Time 12:00 pm Published in Service2ClientThe idea of starting your own business is inherently romantic, if not exhilarating: You get to run the show, flesh out your ideas and live your dream. But where do you begin? Here are seven smart steps to get you started – and help improve your chances of success. Come Up With a Concept What’s your idea? Is it profitable and something you’re passionate about? Would others consider you an expert in this area and seek your advice? What kind of funding do you have? Will you partner with someone or go solo? When you can determine all of these... View Article
Leveraging the Internet of Behavior (IoB) to Boost Customer Loyalty
Posted Date March 1, 2023 Posted Time 12:00 pm Published in Service2ClientCustomer loyalty is critical to any successful business strategy in today’s digital age. With emerging technologies such as the internet of things (IoT), companies are now leveraging a new approach called the internet of behavior (IoB) to gain deeper insights into their customers’ behavior and preferences. What is IoB? The internet of behavior exists because of the internet of things. IoT is the interconnection of physical digital objects that gather and exchange information over the internet. On the other hand, IoB makes sense of the collected data from various sources, including wearable devices, digital household devices, human online activity and... View Article
Increasing Small Business Investments, Relaxing COVID Vaccination Requirements and Generating More Challenges to Abortion Access
Posted Date March 1, 2023 Posted Time 12:00 pm Published in Service2ClientInvesting in Main Street Act of 2023 (HR 400) – Introduced by Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA) on Jan.20, this bill would permit certain financial institutions to increase investments in small business investment companies (SBICs). The current cap is 5 percent; if passed, the amount would rise to up to 15 percent of their capital and surplus. The bill passed in the House on Jan.25 and is now under consideration in the Senate. To terminate the requirement imposed by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for proof of COVID-19 vaccination for foreign travelers and for other purposes... View Article
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